Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I attend a women's bible study on Tuesday's night's. And last night they had a list out for things to give up for Lent. I thought it was a pretty good list. And I thought I would share it.
  1. Give up bitterness; turn to forgiveness
  2. Give up hatred; return good for evil
  3. Give up negativism; be positive
  4. Give up complaining; be grateful
  5. Give up pessimism; be an optimist
  6. Give up harsh judgements; think kindly thoughts
  7. Give up discouragement; be full of Hope
  8. Give up anger; be more patient
  9. Give up pettiness; be more easy going
  10. Give up gloom; enjoy the beauty around you
  11. Give up jealousy; pray for trust
  12. Give up gossiping; control your thoughts and words
  13. Give up sin; turn to virtue